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当前位置:首页 - 音乐 - 英文歌曲 - Rixton Future - Me My Broken Heart - Future Remix (Intro)
Rixton  Future - Me  My Broken Heart - Future Remix (Intro)

Rixton Future - Me My Broken Heart - Future Remix (Intro)

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My Broken Heart - Cameron Dallas
Lyrics by:Cameron Dallas/Patrick Hartman
Composed by:Cameron Dallas/Patrick Hartman
I wish I never met you
Everywhere I see your face
Im just trying to forget you
But I doubt Ill ever fill your place
Another day is passing by
Wish I could say that Im alright
Still alive but dead inside
Cause now Im all alone
Its like the only thing thats there for me
Is my broken heart
It helps me smile when things fall apart
And I know that with time I can heal these open scars
But it gets so hard
No when youre gone
Theres no one left to ruin to
Youre the only one that makes me feel safe
And if I let love through
I know Ill never be the same
Another day is passing by
Wish I could say that Im alright
Still alive but dead inside
Cause now Im all alone
Its like the only thing thats there for me
Is my broken heart
It helps me smile when things fall apart
And I know that with time I can heal these open scars
But it gets so hard
No when youre gone
No when youre gone
No when youre gone
And its too hard to take her
To face her to change without you
Change without you
Its like driving with no brakes
Its a maze Im just dazed and confused
Dazed and confused
And its too hard to take her
To face her to change without you
Change without you
Its like driving with no brakes
Its a maze Im just dazed and confused
Dazed and confused
Its like the only thing thats there for me
Is my broken heart
It helps me smile when things fall apart
And I know that with time I can heal these open scars
But it gets so hard
No when youre gone
No when youre gone
No when youre gone
No when youre gone
No when youre gone
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