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当前位置:首页 - 音乐 - Club Dance - Darius - Finlay - Shammi - Misfit (Extended Mix)
Darius - Finlay - Shammi - Misfit (Extended Mix)

Darius - Finlay - Shammi - Misfit (Extended Mix)

所属分类:Club Dance
文件大小:9.54 MB
Darius - Finlay - Shammi - Misfit (Extended Mix)歌词信息介绍
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Tropicali (Album Version) - Darius/Finlay
Tropicali we hit you're party
One world one *****
One world one *****
Tropicali with everybody
One world one *****
Puerto rico yeah that where we go
And then to yenzo nara
On the beach tequila drink all
Kex and keso we're paying pesos
Ibiza malta baby all the way to Ponta Negros
On to aruba we wanna scooba
Rami mi plaja take me baby to Bermuda
Oh honolulu I'm coming to you
Ipanima cartagena you do the hulu
Tropicali we're here to party
One world one *****
One world one *****
Tropicali with everybody
One world one *****
Tropicali we're here to party
There's nowhere else where we wanna be
Tropicali with everybody
Just come with me
Just come with me
Bocka cheeka that's where we'll meet ya
Now I am dreaming of a sand
Down in costa rica
Bora bora we adore you
Humping all night
Playing back to California
Zoozooma zooma
We're running to ya
Dancing on the white sands
Of Boca Luna
Say grande plaja
That's where we'll fly
Drink all night sleep all day
In Bataglia
Tropicali we're here to party
One world one *****
One world one *****
Tropicali with everybody
One world one *****
Tropicali we're here to party
There's nowhere else where we wanna be
Tropicali with everybody
Just come with me
Just come with me
The riviera
Bikini wear'a
Saint tropez cannes
Baby moda vera
Down in miami
Out on the sand we
Drink pinacolada
Baby drink it with me
To Jamaica
We wanna take ya
White sand so sweet
Where the reggeae play'a
Comoro islands
Is where I'm hidin'
Papagayos waikiki
We'll be way it ridin'
We're here to party
One world one *****
One world one *****
Tropicali with everybody
One world one *****
We're here to party
One world one *****
One world one *****
Tropicali with everybody
One world one *****
We're here to party
There's nowhere else that we wanna be
With everybody
Just come with me
Just come with me
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