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当前位置:首页 - 音乐 - Vocal House - Martha Wash - Im Not Coming Down (Rannys Big Room Mix)
Martha Wash - Im Not Coming Down (Rannys Big Room Mix)

Martha Wash - Im Not Coming Down (Rannys Big Room Mix)

所属分类:Vocal House
文件大小:17.34 MB
Martha Wash - Im Not Coming Down (Rannys Big Room Mix)歌词信息介绍
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Tribal Dance - 2 Unlimited/Martha Wash/Jocelyn Brown
Feel the force
This is your chance
To get control and do the tribal dance
People started dancing a long time ago
The bass was fast but then again it was slow
Soul house rhythm and blues
It doesn't matter what music you choose
Strike up a dance this is your chance
To come with me and do the tribal dance
You've got to move it
Feel the temperature into the rhythm
Let the fire burn
So get into it get into the trance
This is the rhythm of the tribal dance the tribal dance
It started with a tribe who discovered the vibe
Who moved to the rhythm just the way they liked
You hear the treble you hear the bass
The r- a- y yeah is on the case
Feel the fire feel the flame
Do your thing now don't be ashamed
I have to go now no offense
I've hooked you up into the tribal dance
Get it into it get into it get into the trance
You've got to move it
Feel the temperature into the rhythm
Let the fire burn
So get into it get into the trance
This is the rhythm of the tribal dance the tribal dance
Take your chance take your chance tribal dance
Tribal dance tribal dance
You've got to move it
Feel the temperature into the rhythm
Let the fire burn
So get into it get into the trance
This is the rhythm of the tribal dance the tribal dance
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