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当前位置:首页 - 音乐 - 说唱歌曲 - Danny Dd Dirty Palm - Rasta (Original Mix)
Danny Dd Dirty Palm - Rasta (Original Mix)

Danny Dd Dirty Palm - Rasta (Original Mix)

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Flowers - Dirty Palm/Conor Ross/Chandler Blasé
Wanted you to see the best part of me
Never knew that I could fall so quickly
Now it's over and I can't stop thinking
Will we ever be the same
I got over all the s**t that you said
I admit that it all went to my head
Got a little crazy there at the end
At the end
I'm still holding on to all the stupid flowers
They were your mistakes but you said they were ours
Now they're dried up dead and sitting in my closet
And I'm tryna find the strength to go and lock it
And throw away the key
I'm still holding on to all the stupid flowers
They were your mistakes but you said they were ours
Now they're dried up dead and sitting in my closet
And I'm tryna find the strength to go and lock it
And throw away the key
Wanted you to see the best part of me
Never knew that I could fall so quickly
Now it's over and I can't stop thinking
Will we ever be the same
I got over all the s**t that you said
I admit that it all went to my head
Got a little crazy there at the end
At the end
I'm still holding on to all the stupid flowers
They were your mistakes but you said they were ours
Now they're dried up dead and sitting in my closet
And I'm tryna find the strength to go and lock it
And throw away the key
I'm still holding on to all the stupid flowers
They were your mistakes but you said they were ours
Now they're dried up dead and sitting in my closet
And I'm tryna find the strength to go and lock it
And throw away the key
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