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当前位置:首页 - 视频 - 日韩MV - 时代-Bad Girl
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时代-Bad Girl歌词信息介绍
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歌曲名 Bad Girl 歌手名 Don Mclean
作曲:Don Mclean
Round and round the years go round and round
And many a dream is lost in the nasty city sound
Now she's down and out everyone's above her
Tried everything a gal could try
She takes the notion that nobody loves her
And here's the reason why
She came to the city like a good gal should
Found a little pad in a bad neighborhood
She learned about life and it was quite a shock
But now she knocks 'em down with the best on the block
Ah right
Yeah and it's really a shame too
Cause she was her daddy's pride and joy
Daddy won't you buy that pretty dolly for me
It's the only toy I ever wanted
Won't you take me for a walk in the park
I love the big brass band
And the chestnut stand
And that sad old man
Round and round the years go round and round
And many a dream is lost in the nasty city sound
Now she's down and out everyone's above her
Tried everything a gal could try
She takes the notion that nobody loves her
Oh but she's wrong you know
Because I love her

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