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当前位置:首页 - 简谱 - 流行简谱 - 爱情的故事(美国同名电影插曲)




《Love Story》

Where do I begin

to tell a story of how great a love can be

the sweet love story that is older than the sea

the simple truth about the love she brings to me

Where do I start

With her first hello

she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine

There'd never be another love

another time

She came into my life and made the living fine

she fills my heart

she fills my heart with very special things

with angel songs

with wild imaginings

She fills my soul with so much love

that anywhere I go

I'm never lonely.

With her along who could be lonely

I reach for her hand

it's always there

How long does it last

Can love be measured /]

I have no answers now but this much I can say:

I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away

and she'll be there




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